Joyce Chitsulo
Joyce Chitsulo
Hon Joyce Chitsulo
Mwanza West MP
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Mai Joyce Chitsulo MP, Our best choice

Mai Joyce Chitsulo MP, Our best choice
Social Development

Mai Joyce Chitsulo MP, Our best choice

Voting for Mai Joyce Chitsulo MP was a best decision which the People of Mwanza West Constituency made. Mai Joyce Chitsulo ndi munthu wachitukuko. Lelo Team Joyce Chitsulo ili pa Mwanza Primary School, construction of MERP Classroom blocks is in progress. The work is at Foundation Level. In the next 60 days it will be almost done. Mai Joyce Chitsulo MP is Building a New Mwanza West Constituency.

Local leaders, who are custodians of development, led by Senior Group Village Head Masokosa, are taking part in this development project 

Ndizosangalatsa kuti nawo mafumu ali pa ground kutengapo gawo kupelekera mchenga kuti ntchito yomanga makalasi iyende bwino. This presence of Chiefs is a Vote of Confidence in their MP Mai Joyce Chitsulo MP, ndipo akuyamikira ntchito zachitukuko za Mai Joyce Chitsulo komanso ubale wabwino omwe ulipo pakati pawo.Akuyamikiranso Boma la His Excellency The State President Dr Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera kaamba ka zitukuko za nkhaninkhani zomwe akupanga mudelari. 

Anthu aku Mwanza West Constituency siadya ndale.